Call for scholarship applications of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary in the academic year of 2023/2024
Call for scholarship applications of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary in the academic year of 2023/2024 have been announced for the following programmes:
Hungarian Language and hungarian Studies Programme
Hungarian Language and Cultural Studies Programme
Literary Translation Programme
Inauguration speech of H.E. Novák Katalin, new president of the Republic of Hungary
My Compatriots, dear Guests,
I have arrived here today with gratitude in my heart.
I am grateful to have here with me the young and old of our family, and that I can address you with them around me. I am also grateful that we are together in such numbers! I salute all the Hungarians in the world, also those who are following us with watchful affection from afar.
Fiftieth anniversary of the ratification of the Treaty of Accession of Ireland to the EU
In recognition of Europe Day (9th of May), the fiftieth anniversary of the ratification of the Treaty of Accession of Ireland to the EU and the European Year of the Youth, Deputy Head of Mission dr. ÉGENI Nikolett visited several schools all around Ireland.